School Practice Induction Workshop

By Onex Opati. In a bid to equip aspiring educators with the tools necessary for their forthcoming school practice, Kibabii University’s Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy hosted a pivotal Induction Workshop on April 5th, 2024. This event served as a crucial milestone for third-year students, heralding their imminent journey into the realm of teaching. With […]

IGDS Hosts Trust for Indigenous Culture and Health (TICAH)

By Onex Opati. Trust for Indigenous Culture and Health (TICAH) visited Kibabii University to share insights from their latest research project that commenced in October,2023. Organized by the Institute of Gender and Development Studies, the workshop aimed to shed light on TICAH’s mission and work. TICAH’s overarching goal is to speak up for the health […]

Good Corporate Governance for Successful Organizations

By Dorcas Kosgei. Boards have, since time immemorial, been regarded as an honored set of individuals who provide leadership, vision, strategic direction and indeed crystallize the collective aspirations of organizations. Top organizations have common characteristics which include strong leadership and efficient governance processes. Guided by vision, philosophy, mission, values; leadership and governance is reflected through […]

Sexual Harassment: A Scourge that Doesn’t Go Away

By Kelly Inyani. “A new Unit will be formed to hunt sex pests in the Judiciary.” Yes, you read that right. This was the headline in the Standard Newspaper on 30th March, 2024. “Sex for grades: How lecturers across Africa prey on female students”, another headline on the Daily Nation Newspaper on 27th April, 2024. […]

Keep Close Laws on Chemical Safety and Security

By Joseck Alwala. The ILO, which is a specialized agency of UN has pronounced that approximately one thousand new chemicals come into the market every year, and about 100,000 chemical substances are used on a global scale. They are found as mixtures in commercial products. The abundancy not only puts the worker handling them at […]

Kibabii University Sacco Holds Its 10th Annual General Meeting

By Isaac Manje. Kibabii University Sacco Society Limited held its 10th Annual General Meeting (AGM) on the 6th of April, 2024. Among the matters on the agenda were the Chairman’s Report presented by the KIBU Sacco Chairman, Mr. Nobert Wanyonyi, the Supervisory Report presented by Mr. Samwel Sitati, the Treasurer’s report presented by Jackline Wasilwa, […]