Against All Odds: The Spirit Of KIBU
Nelson Mandela said, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”. Passing the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) examination is the joy of every candidate and every parent. Securing admission to the University is the ultimate dream of every candidate especially the girl child. However, this joy is […]
Good Medical Laboratory Skills Promotes National Health Planning
By Joseck Olukusi Alwala Despite advances in the health sector, there exist challenges in laboratory operations and the quality of results. This calls for the establishment and maintenance of laboratory quality standards to ensure desirable characteristics of products and services such as quality, safety, reliability, efficiency and reproducibility. The adopted standards should embrace both management […]
University Of Central Lancashire Representative Visits Kibabii University
By Kelly Inyani In our digital and human capital expansion prowess, Kibabii University continues to extend its collaborations and linkages both locally, regionally and internationally. On Friday 24th June, 2022 the Regional Manager for Sub-Saharan Africa from University of Central Lancashire (UCLan), Ms. Angeline Ward visited Kibabii University on an acquaintance tour. In her visit, […]
KIBU Promotes Access To Government Procurement Opportunities To The Community
By Kelly Inyani In line with Presidential directive of 2013 and Public Procurement 2015 and Regulations 2020 to allocate 30% of Government Procurement Opportunities for enterprises owned by Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities to promote economic empowerment, Kibabii University in its Procurement budget reserved 30% for the Preference Groups and in the year 2021 […]
KIBU Impacts On Communities In Promoting Cohesion And Business Growth
Kibabii University played host to farmers, community leaders and industry players on Friday 3rd June, 2022 in the University. The meeting is an annual event focused at bridging the gap between the University and its stakeholders. This year, the event themed “Cohesive environment for sustainable business growth”, delved into various topics including National Values and […]
National Research Fund Praises Kibu As It Launches A 64.4 Million Project
By Meshack Nyambane Kibabii University launched a multimillion Information Communication and Technology Hub worth KES 64.6M on Tuesday 14th June, 2022. The project was a result of a rigorous Infrastructure Research Grant call by the National Research Fund (NRF) in 2016. The call, which sort to support various research and infrastructural projects was open to […]
KIBU Researchers Continue With In-Service Teacher Training Workshops In Western Kenya
By Meshack Nyambane From a survey conducted in 2021 by a team of researchers from Kibabii University, it was observed that mathematics teachers from secondary schools have been facing difficulties in developing appropriate teaching and learning activities that enable learners to develop intended competences as per expected educational outcomes. Ultimately, this affected performance in developing […]
Rethinking University Library Spaces
By Isaac Wamalwa Manje Academic libraries have for a long time been assumed to be no-nonsense sanctuaries where silence, decorum and good etiquette must be maintained at all costs. Librarians were assumed to be old mean-looking individuals whose only specialty was to “arrange” books and “sshhhh” library users. However, with the current generation of learners, […]
Do You Have It ? Yes I Do, But Do You Understand It ? The Diploma Demystified
By Onex Opati Never has the academic qualifications of politicians received more attention than they have in 2022. As a people, we take in what politicians give us with a pinch of salt, and that includes their self-proclaimed academic achievements. That they could study in far flung corners of the world while still actively […]
It Is That Period: Beware Of Election Related Offences
By Kelly Inyani Election crimes and offences are increasingly becoming a common feature of all election processes according to studies that have been done. Elections are here with us once again, the question in everyone’s mind would be “How will the 2022 elections be different from the previous elections?” Kenya has had a couple of […]